The event has become home to many bands while they are in LA and a great place for fans to get together and celebrate the tie that binds us all together: HEAVY METAL! So come out on Thursday, December 9 and stay tuned for more info on ...
The event has become home to many bands while they are in LA and a great place for fans to get together and celebrate the tie that binds us all together: HEAVY METAL! So come out on Thursday, December 9 and stay tuned for more info on ...
Para fines del siglo XIX Zeis habia negociado socieades con otras compa?ias extranjeras como "Bausch and Lomb"de Rochester, N.Y., para la elaboracion de productos complementarios o bajo licencia de Zeiss ... En 1932 la compa?ía entro en el campo de la fotografía de 35mm. La cual había sido ya explorado por su rival la legendaria Ernst Leitz Wetzlar, la primera cámara de 35mm. De Zeiss sería la legendaria Contax range finder fabricada en Dresden y que generó un ...